Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Pseudo Steak

Well, I told you I cook 3 times a week and plan my meals out for the month. I'd love to cook everyday, but I'm just me and ALOT of food would go to waste. I eat about three times off each meal, sometimes more depending on what it is. I freeze it if it's something that makes a whole lot and is hard to make a smaller batch. So, it goes for two dinners and a lunch usually. Tonight's meal was nothing special, but I'm going to post it anyway. I like knowing what other people eat because it gives me meal ideas. So I'm gonna share just in case anyone out there is like me!

I am a girl (obviously, by the simple fact that I use way more words than necessary to say anything). Until a few months ago, I was convinced only boys could grill. Then, I got tired of not eating grilled things! So, I bought a cute little red mini grill, charcoal, fun grill accessories, and a cute basket to put them in and I conquered the grill! And yes, I made grilling cute (and am convinced that is ok! Despite what any man crowned in his kiss the cook apron and fancy grill may think). But the one thing I can't cook is steak. I would prefer to leave that a man job. They really do do it better. My dad makes the best steaks in the entire world (just like everyone else's dad). So that being said, I never ever get steak. Once a year from my dad and maybe once or twice a year at a restaurant. But I love steak! I love A1. I love the whole steak/baked potato/salad meal.

Well, tonight I made a meal I am dubbing Po' Man's Steak. What I always thought were chopped steaks, but are actually cube steaks, are really cheap! I decided to get some and treat them like steaks. I marinated them the night before and all day today in italian dressing. I made baked potatoes and that yummy greek salad again that I posted a couple of days ago. I cut up a sweet onion and half a red onion and sauteed them with two small cans of mushrooms, EVOO, sea salt, cracked black pepper, and some red wine vinegar. I sprinkled the steaks with sea salt, cracked pepper, and some McCormick steak rub. I pan grilled them, just coating the bottom of the pan with a little EVOO. Way too hot to be using the cute red grill. Sweating is so not cute, even if you have on a cute apron and cute red grill. OH! Speaking of aprons, my Nanny sent me a box full of her old aprons today! Cute, girlie, frilly, amazing retro aprons! Ok, distracted moment over. And...

VoilĂ ! Po' Man's Steak! It was really yummy! Something else you should know about me... Even when it's just me eating, I "present" my plate. I'm totally like Jennifer Lopez on The Wedding Planner. It has to be a pretty presentation! And this was pretty! Side note, I need a camera to take picture of my meals. Anyway, baked potato all mashed up with skin, like I like it, with a little butter, sour cream, bacon bits, sea salt, and cracked black pepper. Next to it, the "fake steak" with onions and mushrooms beside, A1 poured over both. Salad in a bowl. It was totally the steak/baked potato/salad meal feel! If you treat it like steak and dress it like steak, it's might just become steak! Or Po' Man's Steak. Cheap, yummy, easy!

Make yummy food! Put away the George Forman and experiment!  Food can be healthy AND taste good. Food should never be boring! When it's boring, McDonald's is more appealing to you than cooking. And that my friend, should be a sin!


Watering the Vine said...

Man, I'm hungry now!

Kasia Lindsay said...

It was yummy!

Anastasia said...

This sounds fabulous!

And, I am not convinced that men cook steak better than women because I cook an awesome steak..... and without a grill. On a STOVETOP at that. I have a great marinade that turns into an amazing reduction if you would like it!