I now know that posting on the weekends for this #31Days challenge is going to be hardest! I'm a routine kind of person. I post and do everything best when life is routine. Weekends are meant to not be routine! It's 11:31 pm on a Saturday night right after I just hosted a girls' night and I've got nothing. NOTHING. Well, I have my outline, but not enough time to write about what I "planned" to write about. And so, I'm going to cop out and do two things. 1. Webster.com define love. And 2. Post a video.
1. Love: an intense feeling of deep affection; deep affection, fondness, tenderness, warmth, intimacy, attachment, endearment; devotion, adoration, doting, passion, ardor, desire, yearning, compassion, care, caring, regard, solicitude, concern, friendliness, friendship, kindness, charity, goodwill, sympathy, kindliness, altruism, unselfishness.
What I want to do is write about all these words, I probably will come back to some of them. But... It's 11:52 now. So what I'll do is say let bask in these together. God loves me. He loves you.
2. This song always gets me. It always always always reminds me that God can handle my heart. With all it's doubts and craziness and that he's big enough to love me in all of my me-ness and because of it.
Sorry for the cop out! I'll make up for it, I promise. I don't promise, however, that a couple more posts like this won't happen during my #31Days. :)

For the month of October, I'm participating in The Nester's #31Days blog writing challenge. My topic is Food for Thought. I'll be writing about two main things. 1. Understanding and believing God's love. 2. Making life in the kitchen more manageable. You can read all my #31Days posts here.
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